Friday, April 3, 2009

Spanish Love Poems

The swan appears in the shadow of snow;
its beak is amber, the dawn light;
the soft twilight that passes such a short
Candida sonrosa the wings of light.
And then, in the blue waves of the lake,
after dawn lost its glow,
the wings and neck lying enarcado,
the swan is silver, bathed in sunshine.

That is, when the feathers of sponge tissue,
Olympic wounded bird of love,
and violating a noise in the lymph Leda,
seeking his lips in peak bloom.
Sighs the beautiful nude and losing
and as air their complaints are,
green background of dense foliage
troubled eyes sparkle Pan

Ice is hot, ice is fire,
injury that is painless and does not feel,
is either a dream, a bad present
a short break is very tired.
It's an oversight that we have carefully
named a coward brave,
a solitary walk among the people,
only a love being loved.
Freedom is a prison,
which lasts until the latter paradise,
disease is cured, if it grows.
This is the love child, this is your abyss:
friendship which will look nothing
in which everything is the opposite of itself.

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